MICROECONOMICS PRINCIPLES WITH ETHICSMODULE 1: Introductory Issues in Microeconomics Textbook Reading:Presentation Slides:Additional Useful Information:Greed is Good Speech from Wall Street Greed is Not Good Speech from Wall Street II Thomas Thwaites' Toaster project I, Pencil, The Movie
Joseph Stiglitz argues against the invisible hand Milton Friedman argues in favor of the invisible hand
OVERVIEWIn this module we introduce the discipline of economics by referring to some some of the key ideas introduced long ago by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations. These include the importance of the profit motive and self-interest, the division of labor, mutually voluntary exchange and the invisible hand. We define the goal of economics as the desire to expand human happiness via the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. We also introduce students to a controvesy about the invisible hand between two Nobel Prize winnning economists, Milton Friedman and Joseph Stiglitz. By the end of the course students will be able to understand why these economists seem to disagree.
VIDEO LECTURESMicro vs. Macroeconomics - 5 minute intro Course Intro - 67 minute intro